Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Wall Street News:
Mark Madoff son kills himself (2 years since)
Found in new York city loft

Metro Dome crashed in from blizzard over the weekend.

The $25 Sweater – less cotton, more manmade
Avoid lot of manmade material – it is what caused the fuzzy balls

Economist still worried about housing market
Nose dive in second half of the year.
Banks 2 tight on lending standards

Chicago putting up road blocks for food trucks
Laws against cooking in trucks

Extending tax cuts for the wealthy? Improve economy
In the house many appose bill
Short term: kick bush tax cuts down the road
Long term: sets table for begging of real debate about tax reform (want more efficient/simple/fairer)
1986 – last time this was done (tax reform)

Yahoo cut jobs (600)

Brett Favre had to break his playing streak (almost hit 300)

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