Friday, December 17, 2010

6 words for 2010

Normal, Jobs, Stuck, Currency, Spills and Currency say all that needs to be said about 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Tech 12.15.2010

Does it frighten you how much you depend on Google?
Trust them for now, but who will be running it in the future
Eric Schmitt
Private information in a private company that acts like a private country.
Understand nothing out there is private in the digital world

Facebook profile redesign (available on Sunday)
Didn’t require, you can change when you want, allowing them to get it
What is poking? Most people don’t understand it?
Richer look, pulls in pictures for profile info
Most people just consume information by viewing their new feeds

Tumbler blog:
Was off line for almost 24 hours this past weekend
early adopters using it currently
growth? Expanding quickly, big web service of 2011

man is planning on tattooing 100,000 web addresses on his body. Doing it for charity –
financial advisement
if they notice a cd that is about to come due, they will tell you what your options are and what your best bets are
financial software advisor
how safe is my information on
everything is encrypted
have outside auditors come in

Provenance Paradox

How to build a brand like corona
Products developed in 3 world country
Want to authenticity, but don’t want to pay high price if manufacture in 3 world
Example: People unwilling to buy expensive wine from Chile
Company can come over it
Company: lucky gold star renamed Lg electronics
Work through wholesalers and dealers
(best buy wouldn’t carry at first)
Got into regional chains, did good then moved in to national suppliers (like best buy)
Toyota, at first was hard to sell in US, then focused on the quality brand of Lexus, making Toyota more viable car ownership option in USA
Is there a short way to get the better brand?
Buy another one?
Acquisition – Volvo sold to Geely from Ford
Corona – owned by a Mexican company
In Mexico #1, it is the Budweiser of mexico
They decide to reposition it before selling.
Fun, sun, beach, vacation in a bottle, they repositioned it
Priced with a premium beer, same as Heineken, they have passed them in usa consumption of foreign beer

Leadership Success (Women)

how to better network, influence and be a more successful women leader.

Donna Lucas
Women influence

Listening to people, meeting people
Introduce yourself clearly
Important to meet people (go to events)
Following up with them
Don’t go in thinking I need this contact
How often follow up? Keep in contact.
Timeliness is important, but if see things that are important to be people make sure you share it with them.
Learning about what they do, what they are following

How do people avoid make a mistake in networking:
Make sure you get the “lay of the land”
But trust your gut, don’t sit on the sideline
Not doing their your research and your homework
If you going to take about something, have you driving issues prepared, come prepared to bring it to the table
Know what you bringing in your talent to the table
Doing your homework = gives you confidence

How Gaining recognition – know why you want it. Road map, how you going to get there. if you want to be a vice president,

Negotiating and claiming authority
Be comfortable where are, but have to earn respect, you are not just going to get it with the title

Values are key, be true to your own values
People will come in, people will come and go, but your reputation and how YOU do business is the most important thing
The value of building community
• Keep healthy
• How to keep growing and learning
• The value of meeting people in new arenas
• Good ice breakers
• The most effective ways to follow-up
• Knowing what to say when following up
• Being more keenly aware
• Staying in the know and staying connected for added value
• The biggest mistakes women leaders make networking
• The powerful strategy to use before you walk into the room
• The important questions to ask yourself to gain recognition and influence
• The value of article writing
• Know what is important to you

Resume help

extensive experience
proven track record
team player
problem solver

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

MBA Podcast


Wall Street News:
Mark Madoff son kills himself (2 years since)
Found in new York city loft

Metro Dome crashed in from blizzard over the weekend.

The $25 Sweater – less cotton, more manmade
Avoid lot of manmade material – it is what caused the fuzzy balls

Economist still worried about housing market
Nose dive in second half of the year.
Banks 2 tight on lending standards

Chicago putting up road blocks for food trucks
Laws against cooking in trucks

Extending tax cuts for the wealthy? Improve economy
In the house many appose bill
Short term: kick bush tax cuts down the road
Long term: sets table for begging of real debate about tax reform (want more efficient/simple/fairer)
1986 – last time this was done (tax reform)

Yahoo cut jobs (600)

Brett Favre had to break his playing streak (almost hit 300)

Biochemistry of finacial risk


Kellogg insight:
Biochemistry of financial risk
Testosterone – financial careers
Study of career choices
Paola Saplenza
tracking people over entire career (40 years)
testosterone – is driven by environment - not genetic
1 burst of testosterone – prenatal (5th month of pregnancy)
Hand scanning
Looking for measure of personal satisfaction
Success in life
How will it be used?
Understand the source of these differences